Cybersecurity Gap Assessment 101

Cybersecurity gap assessment s are critical to evaluating the effectiveness of the security controls you implement, ensuring your organization remains protected from threats throughout the year. So what is a gap assessment , and how can it help you optimize your security posture? Read our blog to learn more about these assessments.

What is Cybersecurity Gap Assessment?

Cybersecurity gap assessment s enable your organization to systematically evaluate security risks before they can materialize into full-blown threats. To briefly explore the ins and outs of conducting gap assessments, this blog will cover:

With the help of a managed security services provider (MSSP), your organization will effectively conduct cybersecurity gap assessment s to protect your sensitive digital assets in the short and long term.

What is a Gap Assessment?

A cybersecurity gap assessment is a tool your organization can use to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities within its cybersecurity infrastructure. Conducting these assessments is critical to promptly discovering these gaps before they can develop into full-blown, high-impact threats.

If your organization handles sensitive data, you will likely need to conduct frequent gap assessments to uncover vulnerabilities that might pose risks to these data.

Compliance with regulatory frameworks like the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS) and SOC 2 requires gap assessments to address potential data security risks early in their lifecycle. As with any other assessment, you must fully understand why you are doing it and how best to approach it without impacting your organization’s operations.

How to Conduct an Effective Gap Assessment

In general, the approach for conducting gap assessments is similar across regulatory frameworks. However, each cybersecurity gap assessment will likely look different, depending on the type of data you handle or your industry. Many of these gap assessment requirements are adapted from the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), providing industry-standard guidelines for uncovering security gaps and vulnerabilities that can impact data sensitivity.

To provide additional context for how to conduct gap assessments, we’ll review examples of gap analysis from the PCI DSS and SOC 2 compliance requirements .


PCI DSS Gap Assessments

PCI DSS gap assessments are based on the framework’s 12 Requirements, which protect cardholder data (CHD) at rest and in transit. Taking the example of a PCI DSS gap assessment requirements, you can conduct a gap analysis by: