Bats and Artificial Lighting Guidance Note Update Preview Event

This event will take place on 28th February 2023 from 10am – 5pm hosted by our fantastic sponsors at Arup, followed by networking drinks reception until 6.45pm, generously sponsored by Kingfisher Lighting. We are very grateful for their support.


Since 2018 when the BCT / ILP best practice guidance was released there has been a considerable amount of new academic and industry research. BCT chair the 'Bats & Artificial Lighting' steering group with representatives from the ILP and industry practitioners which have updated the best practice guidance document. This is in the final review stage for sign-off and will be previewed at a technical symposium event, covering the major changes presented by steering group members.


Opening remarks [Guy Harding, Technical Manager, Institution of Lighting Professionals]

Planning section

A landscape-scale approach in planning lighting mitigation - practice and pitfalls [Cody Levine, Team Leader (Ecology) at Worcestershire County Council ]

Emerging interdisciplinary methodology for light pollution mitigation [Georgina Young, Consultant Ecologist & Innessa Lomas, Senior Designer for Night-time and Landscape, Arup]

Mitigation section

Principles of good ecological planning and mitigation for bats and lighting [Jan Collins, Head of Biodiversity, BCT]

Avoidance in lighting mitigation [Stuart Morton, Head of Highways & Aviation Electrical Design, Jacobs]

Technical section

Lighting contour plan – what should these include? [James Miles, Technical Manager, Kingfisher Lighting]

Lighting baseline plans – what needs to be considered? [Bonnie Brooks, Lighting Consultant & Director at The Lighting Bee]

Panel discussion

DRINKS RECEPTION - networking event sponsored by Kingfisher Lighting

Launch Event Sponsor: ARUP

8 Fitzroy St, Bloomsbury,