What Parents Should Know About Instagram for Kids

Teens Using Social Media

With one billion active monthly users, Instagram is one of the most popular social media networks available to teens today. In fact, 72 percent of teens have an active Instagram account. But what exactly do kids do on Instagram, and should you be monitoring your child’s activity?

What Is Instagram?

Instagram, which is now owned by Facebook, is a social media network application that allows users to upload and share photos and videos to their feed of followers. Part of Instagram’s appeal is its filters, which allow users edit and tweak their images to fit a certain mood or visual aesthetic.

Many teens use Instagram to connect with friends and family. However, it is also a platform for engaging with celebrities, brands, and media influencers.

Is Instagram Safe for Kids?

Although Instagram can be used in many positive ways, there are significant risks to your child that all parents should be aware of. Some of these risks include:

What Is Finstagram?

Finstagram, or Finsta, is a term coined to represent your teen’s second Instagram account. The “F” in “Finstagram” stands for “fake.” You are probably asking yourself, “But what is Finsta? Why would anyone need two accounts?”

As mentioned, Instagram has become the go-to place for posting heavily filtered snapshots and perfectly curated images that may or may not represent one’s actual, everyday lifestyle.

Recently, many Instagram users—especially teens and young adults—have turned to their Finstagram accounts to express a more authentic side of their personality without sacrificing the look and feel of their main Instagram account. If your child has a Finsta, their feed is probably filled with more candid, less edited selfies and fun pictures with their friends.

How Can Parents Monitor Instagram?

Feeling concerned or worried about your child spending too much time on Instagram is understandable. Rather than banning your child from the platform entirely, you might consider the following:

Like most social media platforms, if used correctly, Instagram can be a fun way for your child to stay engaged and connected with friends and family. Work together to foster a healthy relationship with Instagram and encourage positive social media behavior.