Here’s Where to Find Your Birth Certificate Number

A sample certificate of live birth.

So you need your birth certificate number but don’t know where to find it. Don’t worry because you’re not the only one. After all, birth certificates are loaded with all kinds of information that can overload your mind. Luckily though, we’re here to help you out through this handy guide.

What’s A Birth Certificate Number?

You’re probably wondering what a birth certificate number is and why it’s so important. Now to put it simply, a birth certificate number is an 11-digit ID number on all U.S birth certificates .

This number is written as XXX-XX-XXXXXX on every birth certificate in the United States starting from 1948. Below is a breakdown of this number format:

  1. The first 3 digits are the area code of where you were born.
  2. The next 2 digits showcase the year of registration, which is the year you were born.
  3. The final 6 digits act as a serial-digit registration number.

If your birth certificate was issued in 1948, it’s important to remember that its number may not follow the number format stated above. Thus, if you want to know more about the numbering scheme of your birth certificate, then you must consult the Department of Vital Records office.

Where Is The Document Number On My Birth Certificate?

Your birth certificate document number can often be found in the top-right corner. This is true for almost all original and certified copies of U.S birth certificates issued starting in 1948.

So where is the document number on a birth certificate issued before 1948? Well, the answer to that question generally depends on where the document was issued. As such, if you ever need help finding it, then you should ask your local Department of Vital Records for some assistance.

What If I Don’t Have A Copy Of My Birth Certificate?

A man thinking about something.

The first 5 digits of your birth certificate number can easily be determined by knowing the year of your birth and the area code of where you were born. However, finding out what the final 6 digits are is impossible without having a copy of your birth certificate.

Fortunately, you can obtain a certified copy of your birth certificate online at a low price through us . Alternatively, it is possible to request a copy in person at the nearest Department of Vital Records office. Whether you’ll be able to get in on the same day depends on the jurisdiction.

When Would I Need To Know My Birth Certificate Number?

By knowing your birth certificate record number, it’ll be possible for you to track down your birth certificate online. In addition, you may also pass it as a means of identification.

With that said, most institutions generally don’t just accept birth certificate numbers. Often, they shall request a complete certified copy of the document . That is because it contains much more information about you than the number itself.

The Takeaway

I would like to once again state that you can find your birth certificate’s document number in the top-right corner of the document. However, this won’t always be the case for birth certificates issued before 1948 when the U.S federal government standardized birth certificate numbers.

Also, while knowing your birth certificate number is handy, it’s not essential. You can live your whole life without needing to memorize it. Needless to say, it is always better to know it purely for convenience’s sake.

Lost Your Birth Certificate? Request A Replacement Online

Instant Vital Records offers a birth certificate replacement service you can use from the comfort of your home. Enter your information and our software will automatically complete the required forms for your state. We print and mail your forms along with required payments to your state health department. You can trust that we take your personal information privacy and security seriously with HIPAA compliant data storage and data encryption. To get started, simply click here to begin your application. Your replacement documents will arrive by mail to your home within a few weeks.

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