How to Create a Bullet-Proof User Requirement Specification (URS)

User requirements should be the starting point of any project you are working on. Time well-spent developing solid user requirements will help you enormously further down the line when you need to test your new equipment or software application.

Too many times people rush their requirements and as a result, the project suffers.

This article gives a clear outline of the best practices to follow when you create your user requirement specification.

The Starting Point

So where are people going wrong with this initial phase. How hard can it be to create a document detailing what exactly you want a system or piece of equipment to do?

The answer is, it can be very difficult if you don’t really know in the first place what exactly you want the system/application/equipment to do.

We have put together our top 22 tips for developing a bullet-proof URS. We hope you find the following tips helpful!

1. Requirements

Requirements may be developed internally by the supplier (in the case of product development). Requirements also may be provided by customers (for a configured product, custom application, or a service.

The requirements should define clearly and precisely what the system should do and state any constraints. Requirements should be reviewed and approved by the stakeholders and the subject matter experts.

2. Clear Concise Manner

Requirements should be documented in a clear concise manner for the vendors/suppliers. Do not leave any room for ambiguous requirements allowing scope for the vendors to suggest their product meets the requirement when it doesn’t.

3. One Requirement at a Time

Do not double up on requirements; make it clear in your URS one requirement at a time. It will be easier for you to see how the requirement is handled and it will also make it easier for you to test one requirement at a time.

4. Control Changes to the Requirements

Changes to requirements should be controlled. Changes to subsequent specification documents that affect the requirements should lead to an update of the requirements.

5. Requirements Should be Testable

Requirements should be written such that they can be tested. Individual requirements should be traceable through the life cycle.

6. Configured Products

For configured products and custom applications, the regulated company should describe the business processes to be automated. In the case of configured products, these processes should be aligned with the functionality of the product to be used.

7. Supplier Audit / Assessment

Regulated companies should formally assess their suppliers as part of the quality planning process. They also should be periodically re-assessed in accordance with the QMS (Quality Management System).

The decision whether to perform an audit of their sub-suppliers should be documented and based on risk assessment. The supplier may find it advantageous to use the GAMP process for categorization of the system components in assessing risk.

8. Specifications

For product development the supplier should document the functionality and design of the system to meet the defined requirements. This should cover software, hardware, and configuration.

Functional specifications should clearly and completely describe what the product can do. They should be produced such that objective testing can be subsequently performed.

9. User Documentation and Training

The supplier should provide adequate system management documentation, and provide training for both maintenance and operation in accordance with agreed contracts that should be in place before purchasing the system.

10. Business and Process Knowledge

Business knowledge is required in order to ensure that requirements are challenged against business needs and benefits can be realized. Process knowledge is required in order to identify key requirements of the system are related to the business or manufacturing process.

11. Avoid Duplication of Requirements

Do not over complicate the requirements of the system and do not duplicate the requirements to bulk up the document. Having duplicate requirements will lead to more testing, documentation, review time.

12. Don’t be Afraid to Audit Vendors

Audits to supplier may include the following questions:

13. Don’t be afraid to Compare Vendors

Use your URS to compare vendors. Document the pros and cons of each vendor. If you learn something new during the proposal phase don’t hesitate to change your URS. Remember until the URS gets final approval it is fine to alter or tweak the requirements to suit your needs.

Look for the following

14. Design Review and Traceability

Assure that all of your requirements have been met by performing a design review and traceability. This will prove that the functionality is appropriate, consistent, and meets pre-defined standards and that the system is appropriately tested.

15. Custom Applications

Complex and custom applications may require several levels of requirement specifications. The requirements should define the intended use in the operating environment including limits of operation.

16. Requirements May Not be Fully Defined

Requirements may not initially be fully defined, example for some Category 5 systems. Requirements will be developed during subsequent phases of the project. The initial URS should recognise this and should be updated as information becomes available.

17. What Should the URS Contain?

The contents of a URS typically include, but are not limited to the following:

18. Get SMART

Requirements should be specific and appropriate for the desired system.

Remember get SMART

19. Prioritize Your Requirements

Prioritize with emphasis on identifying the mandatory requirements.

Classify them as you see fit:

20. Clear Communication

Enable clear communication and management of the critical requirements throughout the life cycle rather than being just seen as a paper exercise.

21. Ownership

Ownership of requirements lies with the regulated company. Without user ownership the business operational needs and any associated issues can never be fully understood and captured. Documented requirements from the basis for acceptance of the system by users.

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), including those from third parties, may help both the user and technical communities analyse and understand the operational needs and develop and document appropriate requirements.

22. Requirement Planning Pitfalls

Aspects of the requirements capture process require particular attention, including: